

My paintings often combine pieces of collage which have evolved, with built up layers of colour, which have been scratched into or painted over and detail drawn again, to create rich textures and to respond to the natural world as I see it. A garden is very important to me and always has been, from childhood

The seashore’s another favourite and I will work from a pocket of gathered objects. Texture, expressive mark making and imaginative colour are key here in these semi abstracted designs. I add small pieces of found flotsam. I’m not interested in painting the seascape, but focus on patterns or textures of these small finds which fit into the palm of my hand.


I left Manchester School of Art in the 70s with an MA in Printed Textiles. I was a Northerner and that was where you went if you wanted to study Textiles; it was still the centre of the cotton Print industry and a perfect choice because of my love of colour and pattern. I began a journey of discovery, one which introduced me to the importance of endlessly exploring the work of others and learning to see.

I started work as a print designer. Then by happenstance, found myself in Education. I spent many years as a teacher of Art and Design.I loved it. Particularly devising new projects to teach. My art work has now come full circle really, and I wouldn’t have chosen another path.


If I am fired up by something visually interesting whilst out and about, I take photos and back in the studio, these are added to various visual snippets collected ; I draw from direct observation at this time on paper, if appropriate.Then I mix a range of colours that I feel expresses my thoughts and intentions..

When I start to paint, I usually work on a number of pieces at once, to develop my design, by making intuitive, expressive marks, creating the foundation for my pieces, which then suggest to me my ultimate direction. My work unfolds, it is very often a surprise,, a challenge and a joy at its best.


I am often documenting change in my work; changes of colour and shapes in the garden, the different seasons, how new planting alters the overall design. I’m drawn to how things never grow back the same the next year, because of the self seeding or the weather, or how light changes a composition. It is dynamic.

If I am travelling to somewhere new and perhaps more exotic, i’m looking for exciting organic structures and colour combinations, the difference in the light, the habitat and then trying torepresent the place as I saw it.i work with memories of the place.There’s always project in there.